

I’m Cindricka AKA Drick

Some know me as a mom, minister, program manager, professor, speaker, author, or simply as the lady who likes to change her hair from curly to straight. No matter what title is used to describe me, know that I embrace and practice economic empowerment in every facet of my life. From paying off over $113,000 in student loan debt within 4 years while working a 9-5, building a business, working in ministry, maintaining family commitments, and trying to stay fine, TO tripling my retirement portfolio within 3 years.

My life and business is all about teaching others how to become empowered within their personal & business finances. When you are CONFIDENT in your finances, you HAVE OPTIONS to live the life YOU WANT not the life YOU’VE BEEN TOLD to have. If you want to learn more about me, check out my social media. I have a few degrees, 20 years of corporate experience, 7 years of business experience, and on ………. What I love about fiscal responsibility is that client testimonials & performance are the real tests for how effective I am as an Economic Empowerment Coach/Consultant.

I consider it a privilege to serve and look forward to coaching you to SPEAK LIFE, LIVE BOLDLY, & PROSPER.

~ Cindricka LaJane

“The best thing you can do for you is give yourself permission to live, grow, & thrive without limits or approval from others.” “Have faith in God and yourself. He believes you’re worth it and so do I”